Add Maple

Hot off the press: AddMaple won Paddle's Launchpad Competition out of 77 startups!

The fastest, explore-ready dashboard in the world

Say goodbye to slow, clunky and error-prone data analysis

  1. Get pivot-tables and charts for all your columns in less than a second.
  2. Code individual open-ends for themes, sentiment, or any research question with AI.
  3. Run automated statistical tests to reveal hidden relationships.

Perfect for Beginners and Pros

No Cloud Uploads

Transparent Pricing

We made a quirky music video to explain why we're different

A few of the 20,000+ people cruising from data exports to reports

Stanford UniversityBerkeleyNew York UniversityCornell UniversityHarvardUniversity of Texas at Austin

AddMaple creates instant chart dashboards that let you analyze your survey data visually and is one of the best ways I've found to conduct AI-powered thematic analysis of open-ended results.

Andrea Knight Dolan
Andrea Knight Dolan
UX Research + AI Consultant, Ex-Google

Watch how Andrea put AddMaple to the test

Capterra Review Score

No matter your data, get to the "Aha" faster

Features to keep you in flow

Secure by design

Your data stays on your system, with all analysis happening instantly in your browser, not in the cloud.

We support cloud based chart and report sharing - but this is optional and fully within your control. Read more about our approach to security and privacy here.

The fastest data analysis tool out there

Built from the ground-up to be super speedy. No more loading spinners, crashing spreadsheets or scrambled sorting.

Don't believe us? Try this Afrobarometer dataset with over 20 million data points fully loaded and summarized in 2.84 seconds

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