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AddMaple User Guide
Welcome to the AddMaple User Guide. Here you'll find comprehensive documentation on how to use all of AddMaple's features - from basic data analysis to advanced AI-powered insights.
Sharing and Exporting
Frequently Asked Questions
- Open .sav files without spss
- Analyze SAV or SPSS files
- How does AddMaple use OpenAI?
- What is the largest file I can analyse?
- Analyse Your Data From A File
- Why do you use horizontal bar charts
- Which column types are detected?
- Filter your data
- How to pivot your data
- How does AddMaple work without uploading data?
Featured Guides
How to analyze a survey
Generate interactive graphs from your raw survey data and embed them in a report
How to pivot your data
AddMaple makes it simple and intuitive to pivot your data. We help you cross-tabulate, pivot and aggregate your data without any complicated settings.
How AddMaple speeds up Analysis with Automation
From detecting data types, to automatic numeric binning, we explain how automation makes AddMaple fast and breezy to use
Statistical Calculations
Find out how to use AddMaple's stats engine and how it works
How to analyze text data thematically or categorically with AI
Analyze SAV or SPSS files
AddMaple is one of the few cloud based software tools that can read SPSS (or SAV) data files. They have an unusual format and can't be opened by standard spreadsheets.