Add Maple

Privacy Policy

At AddMaple we value privacy - this policy explains our approach.

What we collect

We ask for your email address when you signup to our service. This is our primary mechanism to identify you when you log in.

We also ask how we should address you, your role and the features you are interested in. This helps us understand what our users' priorities are.

We allow you to import data for analysis into AddMaple. We don't store this data - it is processed on your browser.

We collect usage data on how you use the service.

When you create and publish a report, we host your report in order for you to be able to share it. This report will contain the summarized charts you have added, but won't contain your raw data, unless you choose to make data explorable.


How we store the information

Your information is securely stored with Amazon Web Services.


What we do with the information

We use your email to communicate with you.


Who we share the information with

We use AWS and Vercel as data processors to help provide the service.

We use Email Octopus for managing email communication.

No data files are uploaded and stored by our service or any of our processors, unless you explicitly choose to make a sharable report or share a project within a team account

We don't use any other processors.


Retention and destruction

You can remove your data at any time from our service.


What we don’t and won’t ever do

We don’t, and never will sell or rent your information to any 3rd party.

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