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Download or Export Data
AddMaple allows you to export or download your data in a variety formats including CSV and XLSX (Excel).
To convert from a SAV to a CSV file, simply open your SAV file with AddMaple and follow the instructions in this guide.
To download your data, click the options menu and select "Download Dataset"

If you have a premium AddMaple subscription you will see the following popup box. You can choose to download all columns, or select specific columns to download.
AddMaple also respects any filters you have applied. For example if you have filtered a dataset to only show results where Country = USA, then your downloaded data will only have those results. If you want to download the full dataset make sure you clear any filters.

Select the type of file you would like to download. AddMaple supports exporting to CSV, Excel, JSON, Parquet or own AddMaple file types.
We have two AddMaple file types:
- Fast - this file type makes loading large files super fast. If you have a large CSV or SAV file then converting it to AddMaple Fast will mean that your data loads much faster
- Compressed - this is the smallest file size, smaller than SAV or Parquet.

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