Add Maple



User Guide


You can perform linear regression and logistic regression in AddMaple.


To get started click the options menu and selection "Regression Analysis"

regression menu

A pop up box will appear where you can choose the columns to perform the regression on. Currently we support linear and logistic regression between numeric columns and binary columns (either a boolean column or a multiple choice column with 2 categories).

We are planning to add support for multivariate regression soon.

regression modal

If you select 2 numeric columns and click Compute Regression, AddMaple will performa linear regression. The results of the linear regression are shown together with an interpretation.

linear regression

Below the numeric results you will find a scatter plot with the line of regression.

regression chart

By default AddMaple will hide outliers. You can toggle them on to view the full dataset.

regression chart with outliers

To perform a logistic regression, select a numeric column and a binary column (either a boolean or a multiple choice column with 2 categories).

AddMaple will show you the Log Odds Ratio, Intercept and Pseudo R-Squared results, along with an interpretation.


Below the results there will be a chart showing the regression curve.

logistic regression chart
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