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Chi-Square Calculator

Select your raw data file (csv, xlsx, json or sav) and perform chi-square tests between any of the columns.

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Perform Chi-Square tests instantly

AddMaple has a powerful statistics engine that runs automatically on your data. Select two categorical columns and we will automatically run the Chi-Square test.

Read more about our statistics engine here.

You will see the summary results and the numbers behind the calculation, including:

  • P Value for the significance of the result
  • Cramer's V for the strength of the association
  • Chi-Square, Degrees of Freedom and other underlying numbers used for the calculation
  • Further analysis between each category vs the rest, to help you understand which category contributes most to the relationship.

Fast Statistical Tests

addmaple relationship overview

At a glance

As you explore your data, AddMaple runs appropriate statistical tests in the background and shows you an interpretation of the results.

addmaple chi-square calculations

The Calcluations

You can always get to the numbers behind the summary at any point. And the best thing about at AddMaple is that you can segment or filter and the results will update instantly.

addmaple chart dashboard

Related Columns

When you select a single column, AddMaple will run statistical tests for that column vs each other column in your dataset. Columns with the strongest relationship will be shown first with pivot charts.

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Simply AddMaple To Your Data - Sweet!

AddMaple has reimagined data exploration using programming genius, the latest in-browser tech and of course AI to give you a data analysis tool that is truly modern and insanely fast.

We automate the data prep, formatting, cleaning and aggregation so that you can skip straight to insights.

Give AddMaple a raw dataset and it will turn your columns into summarized explorable charts instantly. From their you can segment, view cross-tabs, get column stats and more.

Visual-First, Code-Free Exploration

AddMaple's visual-first approach allows you to start analyzing data without the need to write complex code or formulas. With AddMaple, you can swiftly explore various columns and identify relationships in your data through interactive visualizations. Add pivots, segment or get AI-generated summaries.

How It Works

Step 1.
Select the data file

Step 2.
Wait for AddMaple to clean and format the file, calculate each column, turn every column into summarized graphs.

Step 3.
That's all you need to do. Scroll down to see your columns auto-calculated and summarized into pivot-charts. You can now focus on interpreting the results and sharing your insights. We also have an interactive report tool that you can use to publish your written insights and graphs. Our reports also have the ability for you to make certain columns explorable to your readers so they can explore some of the data themselves.

Frequently Asked Questions